Suddenly Separated XIII – The toxic relationship: how it develops and what to do about it

The toxic relationship can show such promise early on. Even when it turns to obsessive behaviour it can still look like intense love for a while, but then when it becomes excessively controlling and ultimately violent you may well need to take advantage of the help that is on offer for someone caught up in … Continue reading Suddenly Separated XIII – The toxic relationship: how it develops and what to do about it

Suddenly Separated XII – Is it harder to make/break our relationships now than in Granny’s day?

There are way more opportunities to find a partner now than there ever were - but is it better? No fault divorce was supposed to be more civilized but is it ultimately just more frustrating and emotionally lacerating. And why is infidelity in your own bed so much worse than if it occurs outside the … Continue reading Suddenly Separated XII – Is it harder to make/break our relationships now than in Granny’s day?